Easy DIY Hydrating Face Masks!

There is no need to spend too much money πŸ’Έ and time ⏳at your local spa since getting facial treatment with chemicals or unnatural products can be detrimental to your skin in the long run. It is better to pamper yourself πŸ¦‹with simple recipes πŸ‘©β€πŸ³ that use natural ingredients.🌱 Any of these DIY hydrating face masks will result in softer, smoother skin.

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1. Milk DIY Hydrating Face Mask

The milk facial mask is one of the best DIY hydrating face masks that you can make. ☺️

Here are the steps to leave your face feeling fresh and rejuvenated.

  1. Mix ΒΌ powdered milk with water βœ…

  2. Make a thick paste βœ…

  3. Thoroughly coat your face βœ…

  4. Let it dry completely βœ…

  5. Rinse with warm water βœ…

πŸ’• It’s this EASY!  πŸ’•

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2. Yogurt DIY Hydrating Face Mask

Yogurt DIY facial masks are designed to give your skin a quick boost.

They cleanse the pores πŸ’before tightening them to prevent dirt from entering.

Here are the steps for a quick yogurt mask 😎:

  1. Add one tablespoon of plain yogurt into a bowl βœ…

  2. Mix in orange juice squeezed from a ΒΌ orange βœ…

  3. Add some orange pulp βœ…

  4. Mix in 1 teaspoon of aloe βœ…

  5. Smear the mixture across your face and leave it for 5 minutes βœ…

  6. Rinse with warm water βœ…

Et Voila! πŸ˜‰

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3. Honey DIY Hydrating Face Masks

The honey DIY hydrating face masks ensure maximum nourishment for the skin. πŸ‘

Here the steps that you can follow to make these amazing face mask.

  1. Add 2/3 cup of instant oats to Β½ cup of water βœ…

  2. Heat this mixture for five minutes until it thickens βœ…

  3. Put half an apple (without the core) into a blender with one egg white, two tablespoons of honey, and two tablespoons of yogurt βœ…

  4. Blend for 45 seconds before adding the heated oatmeal mixture βœ…

  5. Blend for 20 seconds more and let the mixture cool βœ…

  6. Apply to your face for 15 minutes βœ…

  7. Rinse with warm water βœ…

You can’t miss this honey mask at least once a week! πŸ’Ž

Taking care of your skin is essential πŸ’• if you want to prevent early ageing signs and cracked skin.

Healthy, hydrated skin πŸ’ comes easily with any of these DIY hydrating face masks.