5 Small-Kitchen Decorating Ideas

It doesn’t matter if you have a cramped small kitchen. You can still decorate it in style so that it looks inviting and cozy. There are plenty of tricks you can use to enhance the look of your small kitchen. Here are some easy small-kitchen decorating ideas that you can use to get a kitchen you love cooking in.

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1.   Use Plants

There is no easier way to add a pop of color to your kitchen than to add an array of plants. Even if you have a small kitchen, the refreshing green color of plants will make it look homey. If your kitchen has a window sill, place a potted plant on it. If you have a habit of forgetting to water your plants, you can even use fake ones.

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2.   Jute Décor

Jute is a really warm and clean material that can add a nice pop of warmth to your kitchen. There are plenty of jute decorations you can buy in the market that can enhance the look of your kitchen. Just place them against your wall and watch how your small kitchen looks cozier in seconds. This is definitely an easy small-kitchen decorating idea that doesn’t require a lot of effort.

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3.   Get Some Spice Jars

All you have to do is buy an array of glass Mason jars and fill them with a blend of spices. Spices like turmeric, chilies, black pepper, and bay leaves can look really cute in the kitchen. They can prove to be a really nice decoration piece since they last forever and add color to the kitchen. The spices won’t look out of place in your small kitchen, either.

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4.   Add a Neon Sign

Get your retro vibe on with a neon sign. It can help light up your small kitchen in the night so that you can get your midnight snacks easily. It is definitely a unique touch as not many people have neon signs in their kitchen. It’s a real two-for-one decoration; you get a cool decoration for your kitchen and a lighting fixture.

5.   Get Some Cook Books

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If you have an empty shelf in the kitchen, put some cookbooks on it! You can even make a pile and stack them against the wall. It makes the small kitchen look interesting and fun. And who knows, the next time you’re in there, you may get inspired to cook when you see a unique recipe in one of these books.

It doesn’t matter if you have a small kitchen; you can make it look cozier and bigger by adding color and the decorations mentioned above. These easy small-kitchen decorating ideas can be a great option for many apartment owners.