All-Natural Homemade Skincare Products

There’s been a lot of hype around homemade skincare products recently – and for good reason too.

Most of the beauty products available in stores are either full of strong, mysterious and potentially dangerous chemicals or are way too expensive to use on a daily basis.

In contrast, with DIY skincare products, you have complete control over what goes into making one. Plus, you can alter the ingredients according to your needs and preferences and hence, create a product that’s best suited to your particular skin type.

Making your own skincare products at home is fairly easy. And the cherry on the cake is that they allow you to achieve the smooth and glowing skin that you have always wanted without burning a hole in your pocket!

Extravagant beauty brands move over! It’s time for safe and all-natural homemade skincare products to take the spotlight.

Honey and Lemon Facewash

In addition to its effectiveness in maintaining healthy and glowing skin, the best thing about using honey as a skin cleanser is that it requires absolutely no preparation at all. You can simply apply it on your skin directly or mix it with a few drops of lemon juice for additional benefits including a burst of refreshment.

How to Use

To use honey as facewash, you will need to do the following.

·      Squirt no more than one teaspoon of honey onto your palm.

·      Add three drops of lemon if needed.

·      Massage it gently into the skin for at least two minutes using the tips of your fingers.

·      Wash it with lukewarm water.

You can wash it off immediately but for maximum results, it is recommended that you let it dry for about 3 – 5 minutes before washing.

If you have really dry skin, add a few drops of milk or cream instead of lemon juice.

Almonds or Oats Based Milky Body Scrub

Ever wondered why Cleopatra used to bathe in milk rather than water?

Milk makes your skin soft and supple, giving it a true baby-soft sensation. Add in some oats or almond powder to serve as an exfoliator and the grainy paste is the ideal body scrub to get rid of dead skin cells. This homemade cleansing mixture will give you a bright and radiant glow.

How to Use

·      Grind some almonds to obtain dry nut powder. Alternately, you can use uncooked oats as well.

·      Mix two parts milk (or yogurt) with one part almond powder or raw oats.

·      Gently massage the paste for at least two minutes, avoiding contact with eyes.

·      Wash off with warm water.